The thing I have been finding out lately is that a lot of females hang on to men in general as a means of support. There are the girls who get too emotionally dependent on their men, meaning their whole life revolves around him, their relationship, and his needs - never hers. Then there are the type of girls who feel like they need a man in order to be happy or to be happy with themselves. These girls let their insecurities get to them to the point where they feel like a man is the only way to make them feel good about themselves. But it really is no excuse and I'd be damned if I thought the only way to feel good about myself was through a man. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, "
no one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
I know this one girl who prides herself in always having a guy around even though they never stick around. She will constantly talk about the latest guys in her life as if a man is the only thing that keeps her sane. She is
always either smitten or heartbroken, one or the other. If one doesn't work out, she'll move on to the next one. I don't think I will ever understand it. The more people chase after love, the more love runs away until all your emotions and insecurities begin getting involved. The idea that you always need somebody around is just a cycle. Each guy that comes into your life will just became a replacement for the last one until it becomes never-ending. A repeating cycle.
Some girls believe in order to be happy or to feel a sense of "security", they need a man to keep them that way. And the same goes for guys. But people have to realize the difference between true happiness and short-term
happiness bliss. They are not the same thing. A lot of people in general feel like they always need someone there and they depend on just that, but although it starts out harmless, it ends up being unhealthy and repetitive. The truth is you don't need anybody, but yourself. You don't need a man or a woman to define who you are. The only person that can make you happy is yourself. The only person who can make you feel loved is yourself.
The only person that can make you feel _______ is yourself.