Thursday, July 29, 2010

Carpe Diem.

Shocked. Shocked and numb. That was how I felt when I first heard the news. Then, came regrets and questions; all the while, trying my hardest to remember. To remember his face, his expression, remember if I had ever spoken to him. I knew him, not personally, but I once passed by him every day. I passed by him in the hallways, rushing to class in our minuscule, a little over 100-person high school. I never really gave him much thought, except he was tall. Tall and quiet. A boy with few words who hung out with the same people I did. They say he took away his own life. Now that I think of it, I don’t understand why we weren’t friends. Why I never smiled at him, talked to him even after all the times we hung out in groups. He was friends with most of my friends, I knew him, so could anyone have done more? Did people keep in touch after high school? Or was everyone just too busy with their own lives? Was there anything different that could’ve been done? Were there signs? Those must be the questions on everyone’s minds. Family, friends, classmates, associates. And the main question, Why?

He was 22. Young, bright, and about to graduate from college. Only 22, with his whole life ahead of him. He must have had goals, dreams, aspirations so how could anyone have known such a tragedy could ever even take place. There is no room for guilt, blame, or fault. Just 'Carpe Diem', meaning "seize the day". Remember that you only have one life to live. And life is short. So cherish everyone in your life, catch up with old friends, kiss your mother, strive for your dreams, be the best person you can be, and realize that some of the "bad" things in your life really aren't so bad. At least, let David teach us that.

Rest in Paradise, David A. Chan

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