Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just a thought.

Change is a funny thing. It happens to everyone as we grow up. We either find out who we are or we're not even quite sure of what we are becoming. Then one day, we just look at ourselves and wonder how we got here. I have made plenty of mistakes in the past and I'm still making mistakes to this day, but I'm learning something new about myself almost every day. I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with, but unless you have lived my life, don't judge me because you don't know, never have, and never will know every little thing I've been through.

Life changes, people grow up and grow apart, and I am still trying to accept it. Everyone takes different paths in life, but I believe we take a little bit of each other everywhere. I just think it's sad that people you know start becoming people you knew. When you can walk right past someone as if they were never a part of your life. How you used to be able to talk and now you can barely look at them. It's sad how things change so much, but sometimes you have no choice. You just keep the memories, but you also find yourself moving on. Change is necessary, but sometimes people don't realize how much they are leaving behind. Everyone should remember what used to be good because if we don't, we won't recognize it even if it hits us between the eyes.

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