She's demanding, a bully, a pain in my ass at times, a scream-in-your-face-don't-fuck-with-me type of person. She's my best friend, my mentor, my advisor, my everything. Who else, but by wonderful, obnoxious sister, Jennifer. She has seen me at my absolute worst, loved me when I was wrong, understood me when no one else has, witnessed and endured my bitch moments, taken in the annoying shit I pull, and still we're inseparable. We're like two peas in a pod, always together...through thick & thin. Honestly, she's the most special person in my life (don't get your fathead gassed up! haha) and this week, she graduated from college. No words can describe how proud I am of her and how lucky I feel to be her sister. I freaking love her bitchassness to death! Congratulations to the first college grad in the fam and good luck on all your future endeavors. :)
with love,
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