You’re my mother so of course I love you unconditionally. But you are also a person who has caused me a lot of pain. Because of many of the choices you have made, you have made our family suffer in return. Not once have you ever put your daughters before yourself and I don't think I will ever understand it. There are just some things that you can never give back. Some things will never be okay. And that is why I think we hold such a deep animosity towards you. I try not to, but it's so hard when that feeling has been there for as long as I can remember. I've known this bitter feeling all too well and it just won't go away. There is no other way to feel about it because you haven't changed and aren't willing to and that just makes me plain sad. Because you don't want to change your ways and to finally act like a mother to your children. I just hope one day, you will have a change of heart and it won't be too late.