Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bucket List (#2)

- take a yoga class
- experience the 'road life'
- be more open to trust
- make a pen pal
- travel Europe
- be a writer
- find my calling
- attend a Jay Z concert
- learn a new language
- write a children's book
- go on an African safari
- write a love letter
- run a marathon
- fall asleep within 10 minutes, regularly
- sleep under the stars

Sunday, August 1, 2010

30-day challenge

A Letter to …

Day 1 — Your best friend.
Day 2 — Your crush.
Day 3 — Your parents.
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams.
Day 6 — A stranger.
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush.
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend.
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet.
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to.
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to.
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain.
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you.
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from.
Day 15 — The person you miss the most.
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country.
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood.
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be.
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad.
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest.
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression.
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to.
Day 23 — The last person you kissed.
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory.
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to.
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day.
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life.
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to.
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Carpe Diem.

Shocked. Shocked and numb. That was how I felt when I first heard the news. Then, came regrets and questions; all the while, trying my hardest to remember. To remember his face, his expression, remember if I had ever spoken to him. I knew him, not personally, but I once passed by him every day. I passed by him in the hallways, rushing to class in our minuscule, a little over 100-person high school. I never really gave him much thought, except he was tall. Tall and quiet. A boy with few words who hung out with the same people I did. They say he took away his own life. Now that I think of it, I don’t understand why we weren’t friends. Why I never smiled at him, talked to him even after all the times we hung out in groups. He was friends with most of my friends, I knew him, so could anyone have done more? Did people keep in touch after high school? Or was everyone just too busy with their own lives? Was there anything different that could’ve been done? Were there signs? Those must be the questions on everyone’s minds. Family, friends, classmates, associates. And the main question, Why?

He was 22. Young, bright, and about to graduate from college. Only 22, with his whole life ahead of him. He must have had goals, dreams, aspirations so how could anyone have known such a tragedy could ever even take place. There is no room for guilt, blame, or fault. Just 'Carpe Diem', meaning "seize the day". Remember that you only have one life to live. And life is short. So cherish everyone in your life, catch up with old friends, kiss your mother, strive for your dreams, be the best person you can be, and realize that some of the "bad" things in your life really aren't so bad. At least, let David teach us that.

Rest in Paradise, David A. Chan

Friday, May 28, 2010


I can honestly say I have fallen in love only once in my life.

I was seventeen and a senior in HS. Beyond shy, naive, and eminently innocent. If I said that I had a lot of friends back then, I would be lying. I always felt awkward in high school, only keeping close to both my best friends. He, on the other hand, was everybody's friend and everyone knew him. He was funny and charming and easily loved by all. This boy with his air of presence could simply leave an impression on anyone that knew him and when he walked into a room, you would know. He always had this certain boyish charm about him passing by me in the hallway with his million dollar smile, giving daps to boys and hugs to girls. His presence had me school girl blushin' and I just couldn't figure it out. I took in his voice, his smile, his laugh, his cheesy jokes, his everything and locked it deep down inside my heart. He was endlessly charming and wonderful. I was hopelessly awkward and un-impressionable. I had always came to the conclusion: he would probably never approach me, talk to me, let alone notice me.

I never would've guessed he would one day, even for a second, see me the way I saw him. After all, I was a fool who believed I was never good enough, who believed I had nothing to offer this guy who was loved by everyone. In the end, I would never have guessed he would be the first boy to hold my hand, kiss me, rock me to sleep, tell me sweet nothings, and ultimately leave me with this unwanted emptiness in the pit of my stomach. From the first moment he made small talk, gave me a friendly hug in the halls, stole my number from his friend, called me that first night...the rest was history. After the hours-long phone conversations every night, that first lunch date where he interwined my fingers with his, and ended it with a kiss on my forehead, I wore my heart on my sleeve. For him. Because I wanted him and I wanted this unexplainable feeling to stay for as long as it possibly could. It was wonderful. It was magical. It was indescribable. A blessing. And I loved this boy. This boy everyone loved, this boy with the brown eyes who could make my knees weak with just one touch, one laugh, one look. I made him my world and maybe that was where I went wrong. But I didn't care. I gave myself to him for the taking just because he could. He had control over my emotions, thoughts, body. He had control over me. I poured out my most inner feelings, my underlying secrets, my fears and darkest insecurities because I wanted him to know me best. To see the real me and love me for it.

When he slowly drifted away from me, it felt like my world was leaving me. Like I was undeserving of his love and I was the girl he did not want any longer. I loved him, but he wasn't sure if he loved me. And it was painful. Like experiencing a wonderful world you never knew existed and then having it ripped from you. It broke me down like falling when all I wanted was flying. The person who had been there all along was suddenly gone with no desire to return. And in the end, I was the one who was left shattered with only memories, tears, and a forgotten feeling of happiness.

Although love left me crying myself to sleep for nights, refused to let me trust for years, left me fragile; I feel happy. I feel grown. I feel healed. I loved so hard, I feel blessed. I feel like a different woman.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Woman's Worth

The thing I have been finding out lately is that a lot of females hang on to men in general as a means of support. There are the girls who get too emotionally dependent on their men, meaning their whole life revolves around him, their relationship, and his needs - never hers. Then there are the type of girls who feel like they need a man in order to be happy or to be happy with themselves. These girls let their insecurities get to them to the point where they feel like a man is the only way to make them feel good about themselves. But it really is no excuse and I'd be damned if I thought the only way to feel good about myself was through a man. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

I know this one girl who prides herself in always having a guy around even though they never stick around. She will constantly talk about the latest guys in her life as if a man is the only thing that keeps her sane. She is always either smitten or heartbroken, one or the other. If one doesn't work out, she'll move on to the next one. I don't think I will ever understand it. The more people chase after love, the more love runs away until all your emotions and insecurities begin getting involved. The idea that you always need somebody around is just a cycle. Each guy that comes into your life will just became a replacement for the last one until it becomes never-ending. A repeating cycle.

Some girls believe in order to be happy or to feel a sense of "security", they need a man to keep them that way. And the same goes for guys. But people have to realize the difference between true happiness and short-term happiness bliss. They are not the same thing. A lot of people in general feel like they always need someone there and they depend on just that, but although it starts out harmless, it ends up being unhealthy and repetitive. The truth is you don't need anybody, but yourself. You don't need a man or a woman to define who you are. The only person that can make you happy is yourself. The only person who can make you feel loved is yourself.

The only person that can make you feel _______ is yourself.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Morning Log

Mood: warm & optimistic

Morning read: finishing up 'Water for Elephants' by Sara Gruen

quote of the day:

oh god it's wonderful
to get out of bed
and drink too much coffee
and smoke too many cigarettes
and love you so much
-excerpt from Frank O'Hara's 'Steps'

sound of the day: Chasing Pavements by Adele

Inspirational photos:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Inside My Head

My thoughts have been overwhelming these past few weeks. Amidst the chaos of them, I've added to mind collisions whether I'm standing in line at the store or laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. With only thoughts to interrupt thoughts, the only thing I could come up with was writing down what it is that is in my head.
...and so we have my thoughts.

I've been thinking of: doing laundry, real friends, my upcoming spring semester at FSC, buying a new dress, how I can't wait to be 21, how I could really use a damn vacation, self-control when it comes to food, how I am slowly becoming an insomniac, not to forget to call people back, setting new goals for myself, my new job, actually keeping a job, Miami weather, how I am going to find money for the upcoming Miami trip, the tight Massachusetts senate race, old friends, when he will leave my head for good, remembering who I am, and finally giving my head a rest.

Friday, January 15, 2010

my sister, Jennifer

She is the only person who "gets" me.
Whenever, wherever, no matter how tired, ugly, or cranky I feel, she makes me feel like me.
She keeps me grounded and sane.
She is the person who completes my me.

We are completely different,
and ironically the same.
We're like a perfect compliment,
she brings out the best in me and I in her.

She has taught me to be:
strong, intelligent, vulnerable, lively, bold, graceful, loud, thoughtful, acceptable, thankful, witty, zany, caring, adventurous, deep, sentimental, nostalgic, crazy, mature, defiant, better.
She has taught me to be the best me I can be.

She inspires love out of me.

Friday, January 8, 2010

goodbye 2009...for good.

It's been 2010 for a week now and I guess it all just hasn't really sinked in yet. I just felt like 2009 went by extremely fast and I can't believe now it's another year already. At first, I thought to myself, "Did I really have time to enjoy 2009? Did I do anything spectacular or out of the blue?" But then the more I thought, the more I realized 2009 was indeed a great year. There were so many good times which in turn made it all seem to go by way too fast. I'm actually realizing that I'm kinda, sorta sad to see it go in a way. But a new year means a time to make new memories and I'm actually looking forward to see what's in store for me.

2009 was the year I experienced: laughter, drunken episodes, new friendships, goodbyes, a broken heart, long, hot showers, karaoke, drinking too much coffee, fabulous weekends, dancing until blistered feet, tears, late night movies, shopping endlessly, the nightlife, disagreements, sleeping in, our first black president, hour-long phone conversations, home cooked meals, sweet dreams, wonderful company, the beautiful city of Boston, comedy clubs, infatuation, game nights, lazy Sundays, reading myself to sleep, catching up with old friends, my baby sister learning how to walk, and my love for all things floral.

With anticipation, in 2010, I will resolve to:
-smile more
-be a better granddaughter, daughter, sister, and friend
-be mindful about my thoughts and actions (could be anything from gossiping or the art of expressing thanks)
-make my new friendships hopefully into old and fruitful friendships
-read and write more often
-realize that it's not always a bad thing to put yourself out there once in a while
-be happy, be loved.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Time To Reflect..

1. People. Everyone around me is beautiful. A reflection of me.

2. Good conversation. Stimulating and intimate talks with everyone and anyone.

3. Music that you can connect to. I like it even more if it is music you can sing to...(sometimes)

4. Devoting myself (even if it is rare). Even if just for a minute.

5. Experiences and looking back and analyzing.

6. My sisters who build me up. Help me be.

7. When there is work to be done. No matter how much I tell myself I hate it.

I love!

Friday, October 23, 2009

bucket list.

bucket list: A must-do list of life experiences we dream of completing before we end our time on Earth.

All this talking about living life, blah, blah, blah has really gotten me thinking, like damn what if I was gone tomorrow? What are some of the things I would want to achieve? What would be my meaning of actually living life? So, I came up with my very own bucket list. If I could do these things before my "time", I would really consider my life well lived...

-live in Japan for 1+ year(s)
-visit the pyramids in Egypt
-write a novel
-ride on a hot air balloon
-watch the sunset go down with someone I love
-drastically change someone's life
-swim with dolphins
-learn how to swim first
-spend a full day in a library
-adopt a child from a third world country
-witness something truly magical
-visit the Taj Mahal in India
-ride a camel in the desert
-spend New Year's in NYC
-ride on the back of a motorcycle
-visit the Himalayas
-learn how to play an instrument (preferably the guitar)
-teach English overseas
-fall in love fearlessly
-take cooking classes
-climb Mount Everest
-plant a garden
-take a spontaneous road trip
-go rock climbing
-go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras
-fly a kite
-go on a gameshow
-wake up extra early to watch the sunrise
find true happiness*

living life.

I have been thinking a whole lot these days. Sad, but thoughtful thoughts. A friend of a friend passed away a week ago and a great deal of people I know have been quite upset and hurt. I did not know him personally nor did it ever strike me to talk to him when I saw him from time to time. I believe that no one ever really thinks about a person they barely know, but when the death is so sudden and the people around you are hurt and you just feel so sad for them that you begin to ponder....what if? How is his family and loved ones coping? Maybe if he decided not to go on that trip? What if I had talked to him, even just a hi, before he left this world? Would that change my thoughts about him? How can this happen to a person so young, someone you just saw the other day? and last but not least, Did he live his life to the fullest? For some reason, every time a person passes on, whether I know them, or just saw them on the news, or read it in a newspaper, young, or old, I wonder about the person's family, their life, and the way they lived it. And I really hope they lived their life the way they wanted because it's just sad to know if they didn't. You would be a chapter of people's lives, but they will move on. Not because they want to, but because life doesn't stop for anybody. So, you have to live, not for anybody, but for yourself because tomorrow really is never guaranteed and because life will go on without you. And that really is some scary stuff.

"Death is more universal than life; everyone dies, but not everyone lives" -A. Sachs

Friday, September 11, 2009

back in my day...

I was sitting at the computer when my 11-year-old sister ran down the stairs. "The ice cream truck is here!" she shouted and jetted out the door. I smiled, remembering how I once also could not contain my excitement when I heard the beautiful jingle of the ice cream truck song. She came home, happy as could be, ice cream cone with jimmies in hand and all. Remembering this familiar feeling, I, too, wanted the same joy I once had felt. As I reached for my wallet, I asked my sister, "How much was it?" The next thing that came out of my mouth surprised the living shit out of me. "2 dollars?! Back in MY day, ice cream cost a dollar and a extra quarter for jimmies. Now THOSE were the days." After spilling these words, I choked just a little. Then I remembered. I remembered being just a youngin' and being lectured by my parents or grown-ups. I would have to bear listening to them talk nonsense about "Back in MY day, I had to walk 15 miles to get to school" or "Back in MY day, there were no computers, or Internet, or cellphones" and well, you get the point. I had vowed to myself that when I grew up, I would never ever give kids crap about how things used to be. That's when I realized at that exact moment. Fuck, I'm getting old.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

People come and go like seasons.

Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you had, what you’ve lost, and what you took for granted. Sometimes I guess you have to take a step back and realize who’s important in your life; who you can live with, but most importantly who you can’t live without. People come and go like seasons. They come into our lives and quickly leave, but some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same. Life doesn’t give you the people you want. It gives you the people you need; to help you, to hurt you, to love you, to leave you, and to make you into the person you were meant to be. Too often we don’t realize what we have until it’s gone. Too often we’re too stubborn to step outside of our own shoes and say, “Sorry I was wrong.” Too often it seems like we hurt the ones closest to our hearts and we let the most foolish things tear us apart. They are the people who are there for you unconditionally. They’re the people who never question you and support you no matter what. They are the people worth living for so the biggest mistake you could ever make is drifting apart from someone you once had the time of your life with. Never take someone for granted. Hold every person close to your heart cause you might wake up one day and realize that you’ve lost a diamond while you were collecting stones. People get caught up in what could be instead of appreciating what is. Don’t fall into that trap. Appreciate what you have and who you have because the future can take it all away from you.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Dear Summer...

There's too many things I haven't done yet, too many sunsets I still haven't seen. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion...I won't waste your days away by wishing they would slow down.

with love,