Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Being single is a choice

A lot of people get confused about the word “single.” They don’t know what it means, what it looks like and how they’re supposed to act during this “unfortunate state” they’ve found themselves in. To them, single is a status symbol meant to be escaped. It’s a status you’re not supposed to be comfortable in. It’s a status that’s just a step towards something better.
Being single isn’t about being alone, it’s about being by yourself. If you’re going to be single, do it right. If you’re going to stand alone when everyone is telling you to couple down, stand tall. Be f*ckng single. Rock the single life. Become the person you were meant to be. Show, by example, that you’re single by choice, not by accident.
It’s about finding passion in your life, not between the sheets.
The best part about being single is looking for that one thing (or multiple things) that will absorb into you and wrap itself around you. It’s going to be something you miss and yearn for the way you did an ex-lover. Only your passions will always love you back. It will never stray or leave you without warning. It will never become part of your life then disappear. Your passions are the only things that should come into bed with you before a man or woman.

It’s about giving love away without needing it back.
Being single isn’t about looking for someone to love you, but rather, looking for anything and everything to love. It’s about loving everything you come in contact with. It’s about forging relationships that don’t need reciprocation and throwing you heart away without fear you won’t get it back. It’s about loving multiple people at one time while having a simultaneous love affair with your favorite books, movies and new passions.

It’s about making yourself a better person, not someone else.
This is the time to look for healing, not for love. It’s the time that we use to make ourselves better, even if it takes five years to do. This time alone is when you should be working on making yourself whole. It’s when you should be exploring your weaknesses and flaws and building yourself into a better person. Because you can’t possibly try to make someone else better if you don’t know what’s wrong with yourself.

It’s about devoting your life to one person, not two.
Being selfish is only a problem when you’re with someone. Being alone and worrying about yourself when you’re single isn’t selfish, it’s necessary. Your life is completely and totally yours, with no one to take up your time or tell you you’re wasting too much without them. Being alone and being in love with yourself is one of the most enviable relationships we can attain.

It’s about adhering to your own schedule, not someone else’s.
It’s about eating dinner when you want, waking up when you’re ready and creating a life suited only around your own needs. There’s time to see old friends and hang out with people you wouldn’t otherwise see when wrapped up in a life for two. It’s not about going out and trying to find someone to pencil in. It’s about keeping your calendar as free and spontaneous as every couple could only envy.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Someone I used to love

A forest fire. A trail of open wounds and bruises, all deep red and vein green and full of hurt - mine or theirs, I'm not sure, maybe both. A drawer full of unwritten; letters, poems, lists of things we never got to do. A book on survival. Home. The color pink. An open door. That moment of clarity. A closed door. A star before it collapses into itself. A single heartbeat. Vacuum. The words, I love you, but in a different way now. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

To all the boys I've loved before

Part 1
We are not your mothers
You have been weaned from the breast of a woman for years
Yet you come to us wounded and half filled 

with promises you can only keep half the time 
Trying to suck a lost sense of self dry
We have become much too accustomed to sleepless nights and damp pillows
Have become much too accustomed to waiting for our empty beds 

to be weighed down with the bodies of men, 
heavy with the scent and the hands of other women 
and we simply wanting to be loved and to love ourselves unconditionally
Simply wanting the truth of whether you can really love us or not.
Play Hester Prynne
Place scarlet letters on our chest
Become adulteresses, cheating ourselves out of what we truly deserve
Willing to settle for less
Willing to act like a little less then a goddess
Willing to sleep with the enemy
Men too scared to stop acting like boys, thinking we can love away their scars
So we take the lashes of their insecurities they pour on us
And lick our wounds in quiet mourning for the little girls that we lose by the minute.

Part 2
You said you had a photographic memory.
But apparently you forgot that honesty begins by being real with yourself 

and the ones you claim you love
The truth cannot be hidden
What’s clouded in darkness will always come to light my love.
You should have known that, claiming you saw my light so clearly and brightly
I guess shit happens.... I just wish it wasn’t me
And I guess it’s so much better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
I know that’s some easy shit to say but I’m still gonna try to live by it

I’m still gonna try to put my faith to rest in it
I will sleep on dry pillows now in a bed big enough to love myself in.
I will awake these coming mornings with my eyes dry and shiny, full of the knowledge
I am priceless and worth nothing but honesty
I will remove this scarlet letter from my chest
And take the hand of the little girl I used to be and say I’m sorry to her
I’m sorry for cheating you out of the joy you have always deserved
And I will wait for a man to come along 

that can give me the truth of how much he can really love me.
Mayda Del Valle


“You’ve got wanderlust
stamped on to your heart
next to a list of promises 
to see more, 
do more, 
be more. But tonight, 
you’re in a city
that understands loneliness
all too well, with
people who know loss ―
they can pick him out
in a crowd. Tonight,
you’re looking at the stars 
with your eyes shut, and
I hope you find home. I hope 
you remember the way 
the sky looked when it 
opened blue.
I hope you find tomorrow."